Thursday, 16 October 2014

50 shades

Two months, wow! It's been two months since my last post. Feels like only yesterday.
What have I been up to? Well, several things actually, but mostly writing. 
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yadda yadda yadda  - we all know you're a writer, blah, blah, blah whatever...but one thing I've also been doing is reading and reviewing some new and very interesting erotica.

Written by Rosemary (presumably made-up name) Prentice (I say presumably made-up because from personal experience I can tell you that many of the writers use a pen name - shhh, no spoilers sweetie), Lovely Green: shades of passion is an illicit tale of lesbianism, forbidden lust and just a subtle hint of BDSM all set in Victorian England. Think Sarah Water's Fingersmith but with more filthly, illicit details and you will come close. Trust me, this leaves NOTHING to the imagination.

But you know what? It's really, really well written. 
Not since 50 shades of Alice in Wonderland have I read anything quite so erotically charged, naughty,     
sensual and above all else, fun. Forget that 50 shades of grey bullshit, this book is the real deal and every second of its tale is brimming over with intimate sexual abandon as two women explore each other's bodies in a time and an age where the thought of two women quite literally coming together is frowned upon by polite society. 

I cannot recommend this book enough, and it is yet another long awaited entry on my 1001 books and authors to read before you die list. 

And well deserved too!

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