Tuesday, 23 October 2018

Army of the dead...

With Halloween just around the corner, I'm currently trying to recommend a few books, movies and T.V shows that I have recently enjoyed and that fit the holiday season.
Last night I talked about Netflix show, The Haunting of Hill House...tonight I want to take a little time to recommend a short little Zombie novella that I picked up from a charity stall at my local supermarket recently and that I throughly enjoyed.
That book is The Dead Brigade by British author, James Lovegrove.

Hammond is a soldier haunted by his past.
Plagued by nightmares, he takes a position as a quarter-master, but is soon approached by his former senior Officer who has selected him for a very special secret mission. Utilising nano-bot technology, scientists have found a way of ressurecting the dead to create the perfect soldier - one who unquestionably follows orders and is unable to die. 
Hammond is put in charge of training these soldiers and getting them 'combat ready', but very quickly he begins developing a conscience as he soon starts to realise they may not be quite as dead as people think.

This was a short read, more of a short story in fact, and though it treads the familiar ground of films like Universal Soldier, offers a very unique perspective. I really enjoyed it and thought it could easily be expanded into a full novel with a little work.
As it is, this is a short, sharp read and that rarest of things - a fresh, new approach to the Zombie genre.


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