Friday, 14 October 2011

And Venus was her name.....

The next two stories in the Infinities anthology that I am reading on my Kindle are a short story and a book sample, both by Eric Brown. Venus Macabre tells the story of a performance artist putting on his last ever dramatic performance to a select crowd on the planet of Venus.....but behind all the showmanship lies a secret, hidden past that riddles him with guilt and consumes his whole being. Meeting up with a big fan several weeks later, the artist seeks absolution and contrition but his fan has other ideas.....

A Writers Life is a sample of the novel by the same name and basically tells the story of an author who discovers, by accident, the controversial work of a cult Science Fiction writer and decides to investigate not just his life but also his bizarre disappearance that led to an overnight cease in his work. Both these stories are okay but seem to me to lack any depth and I was not overly enamoured with any of the characters involved. Neither of these samples or examples of Eric Brown's work would encourage me to pick up anything else by him and though they are not awful, it is fair to say I was not impressed! Sorry Eric.......

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