Saturday, 7 March 2015

E is for exasperated...

This week the theme is the letter E, and E is for exasperated.
Because so far I have not had that much success pursuing my career offshore. 
I've sent out e-mails and C.V's to companies that provide catering services offshore with little luck so far. An offshore careers day I spent £30 on turned out to be a waste of time and no more than a few stalls in a tiny village hall that offered very little and I have started to lose a bit of hope this week after spending so much money on my BOSIET. And MIST courses.
I mean I know they last four years, but I'm not known for being patient. 

It's like I'm also waiting for my first collection of short stories to be edited, and I know that all the Editiors at my publishers are busy and I know there is a waiting list, but still I want it now! I don't like waiting.

At the minute, that seems like all my life seems to be about at the moment...waiting. 

Hence why this week's theme is Exasperated. 

It could also stand for Executive Chef of which we have a new one at work, but the less said about him the better. 

Till next week and the letter F....


(Impatient smiley)  

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